10 FAQs About Workers’ Compensations: Here to Answer Your Every Question

Man With Broken Arm Filling workers compensation Claim Form

If you ever find yourself in a workplace accident, you should always report it to your supervisor right away. No matter how big or small it may seem. You should file a workers’ compensation claim by letting your supervisor know. The outcome of your claim heavily depends on the nature of the injury. To learn […]

How a Stressful Job May Lead to Loss of Vision

loss of vision

When you experience stress, your body senses danger or fear and reacts in a way that protects you from these dangers, whether they’re real or imagined. We know this as the “flight-or-fight” response. There are different degrees of stress, some of which are not harmful to the body. For example, when you’re going into a […]

Work-Related Spinal Cord Injuries: What to Do If You Were Injured on the Job

spinal cord injury

Roughly 12 percent of workplace accidents are spinal cord related. Many of these injuries occur over time but some happen within minutes of being asked to perform a task, many of which require training or proper equipment such as a safety vest. It is not the responsibility of the employee to know this. Employers are […]

A Look at the Toughest Workplaces in America

workplace accidents

Every seven second, a worker is injured on the job. That’s according to the National Safety Council. On a yearly basis, that averages to 4,500,000 of workers injured on the job. Some of the most minor injuries include cuts and punctures but other gradual injuries such as soreness or pain of the back often result […]