How Settlements for Dog Bite Cases Work 

The dog shows teeth. Angry dog is ready to bite. Caution is an evil dog_

Dog bites can be amongst the most complicated when it comes down to personal injury and this is due to many reasons. Accidents happen, but when an animal is involved it can be hard to determine who is at fault and how much the injured person will receive in compensation. There are plenty of factors […]

What To Do Immediately After A Dog Bite

Being attacked by a dog can be a fast, jarring experience. Sometimes dogs are triggered by certain events or stimuli, or simply aren’t a fan of strangers and feel threatened. Whatever the case, how you react after the bite can make a major difference in how you recover. In this article, we’ll go what you […]

When Should You Seek Legal Assistance For a Dog Bite in El Paso


Dogs are natural guardians that protect us and our homes. We call them “man’s best friend” for a reason. As a dog owner, you know that your dog will happily greet you upon your arrival and for the most part follows your every command. So when you are attacked by a stranger or neighbor’s dog, […]